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Monika Rizka
1 min readJan 4, 2022

I was talking with an acquaintance of mine about opposite-polar attraction vs similar traits attraction. At first, I’m more inclined towards similar traits attraction is the more successful one in terms of attempting to create and maintain a long term relationship. Allow me to explain. For me a long term relationship is like a major maintainance work. If your partner somehow has similar traits with you, the gap to bridge between you two are much shorter than someone with opposite-polar attraction. And doing the maintainance work on smaller, shorter bridge is so much easier than doing the work on longer, bigger area right? But then I remember I did write something regarding being (a bit too) close with someone with similar traits:

She hates me because I’m the same person as who she is. I carry both her thunders and gentle spring sway. She wears my crown and put my nastiest bruises on her neck like her most adored trophy

Turns out, having someone with similar traits also brings its own curse, eh?



Monika Rizka

The brink of my existence essentially is a comedy